New/Edit Profile


This dialog allows choosing a type of profile and naming/renaming it.

The dialog can be opened by pressing the New or Edit button from the Profiles window in Printing Preferences.


Profile name

You can type a name for the profile you're defining.


Profile type



A private profile is visible only on the computer where it's created. Note that unless you have one of the Server editions, all profiles will be created as private, since only the Server editions support shared network printing.



If you have a novaPDF Server Edition, you can create private or public profiles. Public profiles are visible from all client computers. You are only allowed to create public profiles on the printer server computer. When a public profile will be used, all the settings from that profile will be propagated to the client computers.




PDF version

You can set a PDF version that will be used when creating PDF files: 1.4, 1.5 or 1.6. Note that a PDF created with a higher PDF version can be opened only using newer versions of PDF viewers.


Allow changes to this profile

If this checkbox is checked, the settings in the public profiles can be overwritten on client computers. If this flag is not set, the public profiles cannot be modified on client computers (all Printing Preferences pages are disabled).


Profile Settings Override Paper Settings From Printing Applications

Some settings regarding page size, page orientation and resolution (see Page settings topic) can be selected also from the printing dialogs of the application you are printing from. If you open the novaPDF Printing Preferences property sheet from the printing application, you will see the same settings automatically selected here too. But you can change them, and the changes will be taken in account when printing.

If you do not want this behavior, and you prefer to make page size selection only in novaPDF Printing Preferences property sheet, and you also want the settings you make to be remembered and used on the next printing jobs, you should check the Profile Settings Override Paper Settings From Printing Applications check box.



This is checked by default and it will set the newly defined profile (or the edited profile) as the active one.